Excalibur Zentec™ Infinity Hybrid Filtration System Brochure

Excalibur Water Systems TF. 877.733.8999 [email protected] www.excaliburwater.com 5 YEAR WARRANTY Authorized Dealer: Zentec Infinity Hybrid Features:  Fully programmable electronic control valve  Quiet operation  Adjustable time cycles for best results  Uses less than $3.00 per year power 12VAC  Res-up feeder for maximum regeneration efficiency  Flow rate up to 6 gpm  Regenerates with water softening salt or potassium  Zentec Infinity Hybrid Zeolite Media  5 year warranty Zentec Infinity Hybrid Removal Levels: Ferrous Iron ................................ < 5 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide ........................ < 5 ppm Manganese ................................. < 2 ppm Hardness ....................................< 30 gpg Tannins....................................... < 3 ppm