Excalibur Filtermax™ Tannin Filters Brochure

Recommended Additional Filtration Systems The process of removing tannins from your water supply causes your waters PH level to drop. When PH levels are below 7 the water is considered acidic, which can cause health issues if consumed and plumbing issues in your home due to metal corrosion. It's important to use a neutralizing filter with your tannin filter, to ensure the water entering your home is neutral rather than acidic. Choose Excalibur Get rid of unpleasant tastes and smells from your water, as well as stains on clothing and fixtures. Choose crystal clear water for your home or cottage with a Filtermax ™ Tannin Filter from Excalibur Water Systems. Note: All water hardness above 10 grains per gallon needs to be removed prior to using the tannin filter.